I was once innocent Ran freely through meadows Bare feet tickled by flowers Daisy chains and four-leaf clovers my Diversions
But the land of my amusement Is becoming barren Choked out by weeds of numbing I choose artificial ease and Comfort
I’m losing my way Forfeiting precious joy Trading freedom for illusions of relief I’ve finally had Enough
Shoes and socks come off Toes wiggle in dew-tipped grass Sun heats my freckled forearms And delight begins Anew
There is a societal pull to opt for numbing distractions over genuine feeling. But life is much, much richer when deeply experienced in its entirety. Live simply, but live fully.
I am Right And I stand Strong Secure in my Knowledge Trusting my Mind
It then Follows You must be Wrong Fallacy of your Thinking Obvious to Me
I lift my Chin Succumb to Pride My ego Inflates While empathy Diminishes
What if I’m Mistaken? My line in the Sand Based on Supposition And not Fact
Let the Waves Wash the line – And my arrogance – Away Let me finally Listen With a heart that Seeks and Yearns for Understanding
“But that which above all things else hinders men from good understanding is pride.” – Charles Wagner
Differences of opinion transform into weapons when pride is the driving motive behind actions. It is in the humble striving that we grow. The unexpected byproduct of spiritual growth is the less we struggle to be known and be right, the more respected we become.
Your words are Powerful They can fill a Cup Or cut to Ribbons They are pristine Truth Or manipulative Lies Examine the Heart Before words are Formed Consider the Impact And choose Wisely
“The greatest things are those which gain the most by being said most simply, since thus they show themselves for what they are. Be sincere, moderate, simple in the expression of your feelings and opinions, in private and public alike.” – Charles Wagner
I walked a labyrinth today. It was a beautiful, centering experience under a cloudy sky. The sense of peace and purpose I felt afterward was palpable. And then I left.
You should know I have no sense of direction. I was driving home and got turned around. Google maps said turn right, but I tried to turn right too soon, into a one-way street, going the wrong way (“you were only going one way”, my father would have said). Realizing my mistake, I swerved to miss a group of bikers and almost hit a car. The driver honked his horn, honked it some more, looked at me like he wanted to kill me, then gestured. And my serenity was gone…just like that.
I started crying and had to pull over because the tears wouldn’t stop. I suddenly realized I wasn’t crying because of that driver. I was crying because I missed my dad, and I have no idea where it came from. He died 25 years ago. I have sufficiently grieved the loss, or so I thought.
Grief isn’t linear. I miss my father terribly. He was kind, strong, and supportive. I’m so grateful I got to be his daughter. It’s just been a minute since I felt the pain so strongly. But today I let the tears flow. And maybe that’s what the labyrinth was for me. I thought it was to provide clarity in other areas of my life, to help me let go of baggage. Instead, maybe it was to reflect on beautiful memories of my precious Daddy, grieve this profound loss, and simply be human. All of that is allowed.
I detoured on the way home to walk Radnor Lake, a lovely area in Nashville that connects me to nature. I happened upon deer, blue herons, turtles, and chipmunks. The sky had cleared to a gorgeous blue by that point, and it was reflected in the water.
Today I’m grateful that I don’t always end up where I think I’m going. And I can set intentions all day long, but being able to surrender to the moment as it unfolds is a gift. I got to center myself, grieve, walk, and experience nature. So far, it’s been a really good day.
White blur Focus Struggle to make sense of The How and Why Fight to see One strong figure Outlined in the haze One open palm Reaching toward you One calm voice Guiding your steps Squint and try and Search for the answer And if you find nothing In the dense fog Turn your eyes inside And call to yourself For the Truth that Has always resided In your soul