I had a lot to do today. A long task list was in front of me waiting to be tackled. And instead of checking items off my list, I went on a hike. Good decision.
Today I went to Radnor Lake, a beautiful location in Nashville with stunning views of the lake and varied wildlife. It turned out to be exactly what I needed. Here are a few takeaways:
- Clarity of Purpose. I recently heard someone say, “choose purpose over productivity”. Wow. You mean I’m not what I do? I’ve been considering this for a while (see my previous post: “Productivity”). That walk in nature gave me time to think – away from distractions – simply putting one foot in front of the other. I kept coming back to what’s important for me, not what looks good on the outside to other people.
- High-Level View. Radnor has a protected Bald Eagle Nesting Area. I always look for their nest when I’m there, as I was doing today. Someone walked by and suggested I raise my sight line. Eagles nest as high as they can, of course. They can see the big picture from their vantage point. And they can fly. I needed that reminder today – manage the details, but keep your eye on the big picture, and you will soar.
- Hope. It was a gorgeous, sunny day. Worries have been dragging me down lately. And I know in my head that the sun always rises and that neither difficult nor even good times last forever. But feeling the sun on my face brought me back to the moment, to an understanding deep within that this is true. There is always hope.
So I didn’t check off my list today. Didn’t get much done at all, I’m afraid. But I did see an eagle prepare a nest and then take off in the air. And it was the best day.